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As a dream. of mine, I have always wanted to implement my design on clothing. And for the first time, I have created my own debut collection called Chaos x Control. This school project has been one of my most experimental ones, and I am planning on making more! Check the project out!


As a school project, I created a visual identity for a fictional Japanese restaurant. I took inspiration from the ancient cultures of Japan and created my restaurant: Kabuki. Kabuki is an ancient japanese theatre. I wanted my restaurant to be both entertaining and traditional. Check the project out!


This is a redesign of the packaging for a well known spa in Norway: The Well. My vision for The Well, was to implement their products in the design; the Norwegian nature. Check the project out!

Recent Clients

Haven’t found your inspiration yet? Look at my recents projects to see what type of design that would look good on your new product!